Thursday, September 16, 2010


I graduate May 14th. Well, that is if I meet my requirements... I'm very terrified that it's going to come to May 1st and they're just going to say 'what? you did take (____)!? there is NO way you can graduate, see you next year sucker!' During my afternoon break sometimes I dream about it.

I WILL graduate, I WILL graduate...

I feel like the little train that could...

But graduating brings up a whole new 'bag of worms' so to speak. What am I going to DO with my life? I've been told by many people to 'start popping out babies'... No, not yet dear friends. I have goals and ambitions... I have mountains to climb and rivers to paddle. No babies.

I feel like I'm not living up to my potential by not going to grad school but I really don't have a deep burning desire to do more school. So axing babies and school off the lists leaves me with... finding a job. But then that means I have to figure out WHERE to get a job. It means filling out APPLICATIONS. It means the same redundant day 5 days a week, 4 weeks a month, 12 months a year. Oh goodness...

Today I started looking at what jobs there are out 'in the real world.' The forestry jobs caught my attention. This would mean moving away from the area though. Moving is a whole other issue. Everything just seems so complicated. What to do, where to go, etc...

BUT right now I don't even have a degree, why worry about tomorrows problems. It WILL all work out.

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